Gospel irony

from LeadershipJournal.net: The gospel is ironic. When we are weak, Christ is most strong in us. When we rely on our strength and strive to be successful for impure motives, we dishonor the one we’ve been called to represent. Jean Vanier, founder of...

Mom's birthday

Today was the first time Mom’s birthday came after her death. Death. I still have a hard time thinking of her that way, even though I saw her laid out in the funeral home. It didn’t look like her, not really, just someone’s idea of what she looked...

Dinner and a Movie

Here’s the trailer for the movie we saw tonight: It was good… So was dinner. Enjoyed spending time with the Webers and the...
Where I came from

Where I came from

Here’s a picture of the most famous place near where I grew up: It was fun to think that the roads we rode our bikes on were part of a farm that George Washington owned. We had hoped to have our high school graduation on the grounds of Mt Vernon, with it being...